Nah,… dibawah ini bisa dijadiin bahan buat pidato bahasa inggris, sekaligus pernah di ikut sertakan lomba pidato di Makassar oleh seorang anggota jamu hijau, Amelia Askin, ituloh yang senyumnya paling menawan di foto dibawah! :)

 Met baca yah!!! :) 

Character Building for Brilliangt Generation Anti Corruption Youth
Nowadays, The Young Generation of Indonesian begin to demonstrate outstanding achievements and win several international awards. But ironically, those achievements come coincide with some negative various news about them, such us such us engage in a gang fight, bullying, and the most severe cases is corruption. Unfortunately, a country which God endowed with abundant natural resources, but it is filled with a lot of criminals.
Here are some absolute data and facts about corruption case;
Ø  158 heads of regions involved corruption during 2004-2011
Ø  42 members of DPR trail of corruption during the period 2008-2011
Ø  Corruption cases occur in various institutions such as KPU and Bank of Indonesia.
As the member of United Nation, Indonesia have joined the Anti Corruption Convention of United Nation that is regulated in legislation No. 7 of 2006. It suggests that Indonesia agree with the international thought that the corruption is extraordinary crime which is very destructive to the economic, political, social and cultural rights. Corruption is which has caused many problems in Indonesia such as poverty, hunger and the other human tragedies. And now, we have felt the impact of corruption itself.
These problems have opened our awareness about the importance of character building. Nowadays, character building absolutely becomes the necessary, not only at school, but also at home and in the social environment. This movement requires the involvement of government, schools, society, parents and ourselves. Even now, the participants of character building are no longer for children and teenagers but also for the adults.
The First President of Indonesia, Soekarno, had often stressed the importance of Character Building of Nation. Character is the values ​​of human behavior which related to Almighty God, ourselves, our fellow human beings, the environment and national manifested in thoughts, attitudes, sense, words, and actions based on religious norms, laws, manners, culture and customs. Character Building is the education of value, education of moral, and education that aims to develop the ability of human to decide a good-bad decisions, mantain which is good and implementate it in life with vengeance.
The value source of character of nation ​​are obtained through Five Principals (Pancasila), Basic Constitution, Religion, Culture and Purpose of Education. Character building is an attempt to realize the mandate of Five Principal and the Preambule. The function of Character Building are;
Ø  To develop the basic potential which possessed by the people
Ø  To strengthen and build the behavior of nation
Ø  To increase the competitiveness of civilization in the association
Character Building also has been regulated in legislation of National Education of Indonesia No. 20 of 2003, section 3:
“National Education has function to develop and establish the character and dignity of nations to increase the nation’s intelectual life, to develop the potential of the students to be faithful to Almighty God, noble, healthy, knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent, democratic and responsible citizen.
Education is barometer in measuring the development of nation. Establish the smart human is important, but the history teaches us that there are many people who have good IQ but their EQ is not either precisely just bring the disaster for the civilization, such us corruption case. Here, where the importance value of Character Building as necessary to build brilliant generation .and anti corruption youth
Theodore Roosevelt ever said that “to educate a person in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to society”. The purpose of education is not only to create the intelligent beings, but also create a strong character because the human intelligence plus character that is the goal of true education. Therefore, implementing the Character Building based on The value source of character of nation is a creative and effective way to teach positive values to not engage the practice of corruption in any case. There is no better future that can be realized without honesty, without increasing self-discipline, without persistence, without the spirit of high learning, without developing a sense of responsibility as well as without a sense of confidence and optimism. This is the challenge for young generation of Indonesia as the brilliant generation, anti corruption youth.
If the international community agree that 19th of December is a day of fighting against corruption. So, for the young generation of Indonesia, we have to make every day is a hero day where the spirit of against corruption is always be in our hearts.
The New Generation of Indonesia, Anti Corruption Youth, Let's Fight Against Corruption, it's time to align the words and deeds. This is the totality of the nation a strong and superior character, that the sequel will be able to increase the independence and competitiveness of the nation, to be advanced, dignified and prosperous Indonesia without corruption in this 21st  century and for the brighter future.
Character can not be develop in ease and quite. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired, and success Achieve.
Sow an act, and you reap a habit; sow a habit; and you reap a character; sow a character; and you reap a destiny.

ok dh... gimana..? jamu hijau cuma berharap semoga bahan pidato bahasa inggris ini membantu yah.

date Selasa, 25 Desember 2012

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